Sunday 6 October 2013

Wellcome to the course 2013/14

Hi everybody! This is my first blog in English so I apologize, in advance, for the many mistakes I am going to make. This is my first attempt to teach my subject (Technologies) in English and I will try to do my best.
This blog is for my studens of 1st course of ESO (1ยบ C) and it has two purposes: to communicate with my students out of class and help them with the content subject and the English language neccesary for the class.
Over the last three weeks we have been working on the first unit (Unit 0: Introduction to Technologies) and the second unit (Technical drawing). Besides the content (how to draw lines, angles, circles and the views of an object) we are focusing on the vocabulary (set square, protractor, overhead view,...) of the lesson. In the IT Room we are practicing both aims (content and vocabulary) and in the Workshop we are building a card box to put away the tangram pieces. If you want to do these exercises at home click on the elinks below:
That is all for now. See you in class.

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