Monday, 3 December 2018

TPR1 Unit 1 and Unit 2: Extra Activities


Hi there! Here you have the extra activities you can do to get extra points for your final mark in this term (Unit 1 and Unit 2). You have to go to our General Website and the click first on Unit 1, then on Extra Activities and read the instructions. The same procedure with Unit 2. Be sure you enter your name following the model provided. You will get a 5% extra in your final mark for Unit 1 and Unit 2.
See you in class.

Saturday, 1 December 2018

TPR2 Unit 1 (Algorithms and Flowcharts): Extra Activities


Hi! Here you have the activities you can complete to get extra points for your final mark in this term (evaluation). You have to go to our General Website, click on Unit 1, then on Extra Activities and read the instructions. Be sure you enter your name following the model provided. You will get a 10% extra in your final mark for Unit 1.
See you the coming week.

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

TPR1 Unit 1 (Technology and Design): Exam and Extra Activities

Hi everybody! Te coming week we are taking the first exam, as follows:
- Groups 1F and 1D: 6th of November
- Group 1E: 8th of November
We finished all the activities for Unit 1: ICT Activities in the Computer Room (5 sessions in total), Class Activities (2 sessions) and Workshop Activities (3 sessions). Group 1E has to finish the third session of Workshop Activities. So, in order to prepare this exam, you must redo all these activities:
- ICT Activities: Hardware and Software and Problem Solving Steps from our General Website,
- Virtual Classroom Activities, the activities that covers the whole unit
- Workshop Activities: Straw Bridges
- Workbook: The same activities you completed in our Virtual Clasroom but in paper (download the file) and the solutions to these activities
- Theory: my presentation
- Extra Activities: now, only a quiz about technologies
 Good luck everybody!

Saturday, 20 October 2018

TPR2 Unit 1 (Algorithms and Flowcharts): Exam and Extra Activities

Hi everybody! As you all know you will be doing the first exam next week.
- Groups 2A, 2B, 2C and 2F: 29th of October
- Group 2E: 30th of October
- Group 2D: 31st of October
This week we are doing our last session in the Computer Room (5 sessions in total) and in the Workshop (3 sessions). In order to prepare the exam of the unit, you must redo all the activities. Let's see:
- ICT Activities: revision of Computers and Flowcharts
- ICT Activities, in our Virtual Classroom: Flowcharts and programs
- Workbook: Class Activities (download the file) and have a look at the solutions to these activities
- Theory: my presentation
- Extra Activities: only one quizz about the components a computer system is made up of
Good luck everybody!

Friday, 12 October 2018

Welcome to the 2018/19 school year

Hi everybody! This is my blog for my students of 1st and 2nd year of ESO. Welcome everybody! This blog has the purpose of communicating important information (activities, exams...) to my students so that they keep track on what is going on our lessons. Besides, on the right side of this blog you will find the access to our general websites (General Website TPR1 and General Website TPR2) from which you all can complete the activities we do at school. See you.

Thursday, 21 June 2018

See you next time, Valdebernardo

Hello and goodbye! I have been working here for 4 years and next year I will be opening my path in a new school: IES Alfredo Kraus. So thanks everybody, school management team, colleagues, students and everybody else working at this school. Thank you all and see you soon!

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Final exam (extraordinary exam): June 19, 2018

Hi! As you know students who didn’t pass the year (course), you will have another opportunity in June. So you will need to take a global exam in which you will be asked to answer questions about the six units we have studied this year. In order to prepare the exam here you have a selection of the activities which help you to pass this exam:
And the activities in your workbook:
  • Unit 1 (Technology and Design): activities 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22; 
  • Unit 2 (Graphical Communication): activities 04, 06,08, 09, 13, 14, 16 and 17.
  • Unit 3 (Materials): activities 07, 08, CA1.
  • Unit 4 (Electricity): activities 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 25, 26, 27 and 28.
  • Unit 5 (Computers and the Internet): on-line exam.
  • Unit 6 (Programming): activities 01_02, 04 and 07. 
Remember you have all the solutions to the workbook in our genereal website. Good luck. 

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Unit 6 (Programming): Exam and Extra Activities

Hi everyone! We are about to finish this (academic) year and so the last exam for almost all of you. At the moment we are learning how to program using Scratch. The exam is in the classroom and it is about the ideas we need to have in mind when programming. All these ideas are taken from our workbook. All the questions in the exam are in your workbook (as well as in the activities in our virtual classroom). The schedule for the exam is as follows:

  • group D, on the 31st of May,
  • groups B, C and A on the 1st of June,
  • group C, on the 4th of June
The best way to prepare the exam is redoing the activities we have been working on over the last 3 weeks. Here you have the activities:

Good luck!

Saturday, 5 May 2018

Unit 5 (Computers and the Internet): Exam and Extra Activities

Hi everyone! Today we have finished Unit 5 and we will start Unit 6 (Programming) the coming Monday. And you will be doing the exam for Unit the week after:
  • groups A, C and E, on the 14th,
  • 15th of May is a holiday (hooray!!)
  • groups B and D on the 16th.

As you all know, you will be doing this test in pairs (with the partner you did the ICT Activities for Unit 5). This exam will be an online test using the web Quizizz. The test consist of two parts (Computers, 20 questions and the Internet, 22 questions). For each question you will have 30 seconds to answer.

If you want to review the activities we have been working on, here you have them:
Good luck!

Friday, 23 March 2018

Unit 4 (Electricity): Exam and Extra Activities

Hi everybody. We are now on holydays and so we have a little time to prepare the end of unit 4. After these Easter Holydays we will devote two sessions to complete the unit: ICT activites, session with the mobile phone and debrief session (to review what we have been doing during this unit). And then, the exam:

  • groups B and C on the 10th,
  • group A on the 11th and
  • groups D and E on the 12th.
Here you have the activities to work on:
I wish you a happy Easter Holidays and keep up the good work.

Monday, 19 February 2018

Unit 4 (Electricity): Class Activities

Hi everyone! We are starting Unit 4 (Electricity) this week. So we will be working on class activities (first session) in the workshop and ICT activities in the Computer Room.
For the first session you need two balloons, 1 m of string, 12 paper clips and a piece of cardboard. For the second session (next week) you have to bring the material the picture below shows (electrical kit): a 4,5 volt battery, a bulb (and a bulb holder) and connecting wires. You will use these materials in the second class activity as well as the final project at the end of the unit. Good luck.

Saturday, 10 February 2018

Unit 3 (Materials): Exam and Extra Activities

Hi everybody! As you all know (previous post) you will be doing the exam for this unit after the coming bank holiday. Here you have some clues:
  • Identify the materials we used in this unit
  • Classify those materials into the correct type of materials (metals, plastic, wood...)
  • Identify different properties of materials
  • Link those properties with the purpose of the object
  • Differentiate the different parts of an object and their purpose
To prepare this exam go back to the activities we have completed and work on your workbook. The solutions are already published in our general website. And do not forget to do the extra activities: Virtual classroom and Quizizz. Good luck.

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Unit 3 (Materials): Completing the unit and Exams

Hi everybody! We have two weeks left to finish this unit. This week we are completing the workshop activity and the last session in the computer room. Next week (only three days), we will be doing the debrief session and we will start Unit 4 (Electricity). After the bank holiday you will do the exam for this unit:
  • groups A and C on the 19th,
  • groups B and D on the 20th and
  • group E on the 22nd.
The link below shows you a session in the workshop during the Spaghetti Challenge. See you in ... workkshop?

Sunday, 14 January 2018

Unit 3 (Materials): Activities for the unit

Hi everybody! We are now working on Unit 3 and completed the first week (3 sessions out of 18). This unit is all about the objects we use to perform a certain task, these objects are made of materials, and the materials have properties. What we need to learn is how to link tasks and object's properties. As you all know, in this unit we have the following activities:
  • Class Activities (6 sessions) in the classroom, around the school and 1 session in the workshop
  1. What do you know about materials (warm-up activity)
  2. Properties of materials (card-game activity)
  3. The Jumble Box (it includes Spaghetti Challenge in the workshop)
  1. on-line activities with our general website
  2. activities using our virtual classroom
  • Workshop Activities (4 sessions)
  1. Mars Exploration Rover, activity in which we have to select the appropriate materials to build the vehicles we need to use to reach Mars en explorer it.
  • Debrief session, including the revision of the unit using our digital devices)
  • Exam
As you can see, you must complete your workbook during the sessions in the computer room and at home. See you in class.