Hi everybody! Te coming week we are taking the first exam, as follows:
- Groups 1F and 1D: 6th of November
- Group 1E: 8th of November
We finished all the activities for Unit 1: ICT Activities in the Computer Room (5 sessions
in total), Class Activities (2 sessions) and Workshop Activities (3 sessions). Group 1E has to finish the third session of Workshop Activities. So, in order to prepare this
exam, you must redo all these activities:
ICT Activities: Hardware and Software and Problem Solving Steps from our General Website,
Virtual Classroom Activities, the activities that covers the whole unit
Workshop Activities: Straw Bridges
Workbook: The same activities you completed in our Virtual Clasroom but in paper (download the file) and the solutions to these activities
Theory: my presentation
Extra Activities: now, only a quiz about technologies
Good luck everybody!