Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Unit 5 (Computers and the Internet): Exam

Hi! As you all know, those who have not to retake any exam, you will do an on-line exam of Unit 5 using our Virtual Classroom. The exam consists of 6 questions: 3 about the devices we need to connect to the Internet from home and another 3 questions about the Internet itself. Do not forget to bring your username and password. Good luck.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Final exam. June 2016

Hi everybody! We are getting to the end of year (the academic year) and next week (the 15th and 16th of June) we will be doing our last exam:
  • For those who did not pass two terms (evaluations) you will have to take a global exam.Do not forget your drawing tools.
  • For those who did not pass one term (evaluation) you will retake the exam (most of you, only the third term)
  • The rest of you will do an on-line exam in the Computer Room (Units 5 & 6)
  • Unit 1 (Technology and Design): steps of the technological process and solutions to solve problems
  • Unit 2 (Graphical Communication): measuring with the ruler, parallel and perpendicular lines, views of an object 
  • Unit 3 (Materials): classification, properties and objects and their materials
  • Unit 4 (Electricity): circuit diagrams, electric circuits (connections), symbols and types of connections
  • Units 5&6 (Internet and Programming): devices we need to connect to the Internet and elements of a web page.
Good luck everybody!

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Units 5&6 (The Internet and Programming): Scratch Activities

Hi everybody! After completing some internet activities, we continue working on the internet. This time you will have to create programs to make an object (the sprite) do things: dancing, following the mouse, drawing poligons, getting lost in a maze, etc. Enter the website address http://scratch.mit.edu/ in your address bar or click on this link to start programming.