Saturday, 21 February 2015

Unit 4 (Mechanisms): ClassRoom Activities

Hi everybody! As I told you in class, I want you to try to improve your knowledge on Technology contents by introducing a small change in the methodology: from now on we will spend two sessions on completing the Classroom Activities in the Computer Room (besides spending another two sessions on completing them using the Workbook). First we will do the online version of these activities and after that, the written one. We will see how it works.

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Unit 4 (Mechanisms): IT Activities

Hi again! Here you have the IT Activities ready to complete in the Computer Room (and in our Virtual Classroom in a few days). We have 16 activities to do and we will spend two sessions to complete them. You should complete 6 or 7 at least in the first session.  Good luck.

Unit 4 (Mechanisms): Simple Machines

Hi everybody! We have been working on this unit for a week and now we are going to start doing IT activities and Classroom activities. The first part of this unit is about simple machines. The second part is about the different types of motion and in the third part we will talk about mechanisms. See you tomorrow in class.

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Unit 3 (Structures): Solutions to the Classroom Activities

Good morning! Do not procrastinate your duties: here you have the solutions to the Classroom Activities. It will help you with the Virtual Classroom Activities and prepare the exam you will sit next Thursday. Good luck..

Friday, 6 February 2015

Unit 3 (Structures): Vocabulary

Hi! If you feel like to practice the vocabulary we have been working on during the assistant's session, here  (full-screen) you have the animation I showed you in class. Don't forget to put your headphones on to listen to the words and learn how to click on the arrows commands in order to manage the presentation.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Unit 3 (Structures): Stresses and Vocabulary

Hi! Here you are the solutions to Activity 4 I set as a homework in class. I expect see this task in your notebook the day of the exam. I am not going to accept lame excuses from you. See you.

Monday, 2 February 2015

Unit 3 (Structures): Stresses

Hi! Next week you will be asked to master these stresses in the exam (along with the effects they produce when acting on a structure). Good luck.