Friday, 19 December 2014

Revision activities for the first term

Hi and Merry Christmas. For those who did not pass the first term I prepared the online activities in our Aulas Virtuales. You already have this information as I gave it to you this morning:

If you have any questions, let me know through this blog. I will see you all on the 9th of January. Happy New Year.

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Unit 2 (Materials): Solutions to the Classroom Activities

Hi everybody! I know you all are preparing the exam and that is why I am posting here the solution to the classroom activities (booklet). I am aware of the amount of new vocabulary you have to learn but, as I told you in class, you only have to match the tools with their names, tools and woodworking techniques, identify materials and classify them into the correct group (wood, metals, etc.) and little else. Remember you have all these activities in our Aulas Virtuales website. Good luck!

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Unit 2 (Materials): Classroom Activities

Hi! We will be doing the exam of Unit 2 the coming Monday. Most of the exercises in the exam are taken from the Workbook and you should practice on them through these Classroom Activities. These activities will be available up to the day of the exam. Good luck.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Unit 2 (Materials): Vocabulary_1

Hi everybody! Here (full screen) is the session we had last week with the assistant. Learn how to click on the arrows commands of the animation in order to practice the vocabulary in the proper way. Feel free to comment in this blog. See you.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Unit 2 (Materials): IT activities

Hi everybody! We have been working on unit 2 (Materials) over the last 2 weeks and now it is time to start IT Activities in the computer room.  Here you have these activities if you want to do them before going to the computer room to complete them; there will be 3 sessions. See you in class.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Unit 1 (Technical Drawing): Classroom activities solved

Hi everybody! I hope everybody is revising for the exam you are going to do tomorrow. The best way is redoing the exercises you have in your Workbook. These activities are solved here (full-screen) and in the animation below. Don´t forget to bring your notebook and all the drawing tools. Students from Class B also have to bring their Workbook. Good luck everybody.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Unit 1 (Technical drawing): Exercises for the exam

Hi again! Here you have a copy of the class activities to do again if you feel you need to improve your drawing skills. These exercises are very alike to those you will find in the exam (next week). Good luck

Unit 1 (Technical drawing): Flash Animation of Oxford

Hi! As everybody probably knows, we are using the flash animation of Oxford to complete our IT Activities in the computer room. As this animation is not working from the website we are using, here you have the same animation from a different website. See you.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Unit 1 (Technical drawing): Virtual Classroom Activities

Hi! I have already uploaded the IT and Classroom Activities to the Virtual Classroom of our school. From now on and until we finish the exam, the activities will be available for you to do it at home and get an extra 10%. Remember that you have to enter your personal username and password to access to the Virtual Classroom, and then the password for the course (1ESO_MAXI_ENGLISH). If you have any questions, let me know through this blog. Get down to work.See you.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Unit 1 (Technical drawing): Technical Vocabulary

Hi again! Make sure you understand the technical vocabulary of the unit before doing the exam (in two weeks). In this activity you have many possibilities of practising (click on View this study set, at the botton of the window or choose one of the study modes by clicking on the drop-down menu). See you in class.

Units 0 and 1: Vocabulary

Hi! If you feel like to practice the vocabulary we worked on during the assistant's session, here  (full-screen) you have an animation to revise those words. Don't forget to put your headphones on to listen to the English pronunciation of the words.

Monday, 13 October 2014

Unit 1 (Technical drawing): Assessment Elements

Hi! This post is intended to remind you the different items I will consider to evaluate your work and attainments. We have 6 different elements:
  • Notebook (5-10%):presentation, notes, class exercises and homework.
  • Workshop Activities (10-15%):practical activities in the Workshop or in Classroom (individual and in groups) through which we will build a technological object. 2/3 session each unit (section).
  • IT Activities (10-15%):theoretical activities in the Computer Room (in pairs, or individual). 2/3 session each unit (section).
  • Classroom Activities (20-25%):xercises in the Workbook to do in class (Classroom). 2/3 session each unit (section).
  • Exam (50%): individual paper test for evaluating subject content..
  • Extra (10%): IT and Classroom Activities done from home through our Virtual Classroom..
As you can see, you must benefit from the classroom/computer room/workshop sessions, I mean, you need work a lot while you are at school. And also, at home, in order to revise and reinforce the things you learn in class. Don't hesitate to ask me if you have any doubts. See you.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Unit 1 (Technical drawing): Classroom and ITRoom Activities

Hi everybody! I expect, by the end of this week, I will have the Activities WorkBook for the classroom and, if so, we will start working on this book next week. Until then, here you have the same activities but in web format to complete at home. Soon you will have the opportunity to do them at "Aulas Virtuales" of our school and get extra points.
ClassRoom Activities

Besides those activities, here you have the link to the IT Room Activities we have just started this week in the Computer Room (as I said in my other blog, if the Computer Room does not meet the requirements of space for the whole class, maybe I will have to call off these activities) and we will spend two more sessions working on them. These activities will also be available for you all  to complete in our "Aulas Virtuales". See you..

Friday, 26 September 2014

Unit 1 (Technical drawing): Workshop activities (in the classroom)

Hi everybody! The coming week we will be building a cardboard box to keep the tangram pieces. This is the practical activity for the first two units of the year and we will spend 3 sessions working on it. As I told you in class, you will need:
  •  3 cardboard
  • scissors
  • glue stick
  • drawing tools (ruler, set square,....)
If you are willing to practice at home, click here to download the planes of the box. Don't forget to brimg the money to buy the Classroom Workbook. See you.

Monday, 22 September 2014

Welcome to the course 2014/15

Hi everybody!  As I said here, this is my first year in a bilingual school (IES Valdebernardo) and the fact of having to teach Technologies in English is a an exciting challenge for me. Last year I had the opportunity  to teach the technical vocabulary of Technologies in English (in IES Antonio Machado) and, I think, it did not go so bad. However, I consider myself a newly comer in teaching my subject in English.
This blog is for my students of 1st course of ESO (1st A and 1st B) and it has two purposes: to communicate with them out of class and help them with the content subject and the English vocabulary necessary for the class. So, welcome everybody and  I apologize, in advance, for the many mistakes I am going to make. See you.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

End of year (course)

Hi! (Is anybody there?). This is my last post for this year. This was my first attempt to teach my subject using English. We are not a bilingual school and for this reason I only taught some technical English vocabulary. If I have the opportunity to teach Technologies in English next year, I will do it. That is all for now, I hope. See you next year.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Unit 7 (Computers and Peripherals): IT Room activities

Hi everybody! The IT Room Activities are posted here and at Moodle website. I have checked that some of you have already completed them. Remember that to do these activities you need to download the required file from here or from Moodle website. We will be taking the exam tomorrow at the last period. Good luck.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Unit 7 (Computers and Peripherals): Classroom activities

Hi! Click here to have a look at the last classroom activities (and here to complete them at Moodle). The animation below tests your knowledge on computers. See you.

Monday, 19 May 2014

Unit 6 (Electricity): Classroom activities (solved)

Hi! For you to prepare the exam here you have the classroom activities solved. These activities include all types of exercises you are going to find in the exam: electrical components, how electric circuits work, electrical magnitudes and their units, calculations, ect. Good luck.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Unit 6 (Electricity): Classroom activities

Hi there! Tomorrow we will be taking our first classroom activities session (out of 3). The same exercises are posted here and in Moodle website. The application below is a sample of the kind of activities you will find to complete. See you in class.

Monday, 28 April 2014

Unit 6 (Electricity): IT Room activities

Hi everybody! Tomorrow we will be completing our second session in the IT Room. To complete the activities you need Crocodile software running on your computer. Click here to download the version we are using in the IT Room (this program does not need to be installed); remember that you only have to doble-click on the crocodile icon to start the program. Before entering our website, read the instructions here to practise the technical words used when describing how a electric circuit works. Do not hesitate to ask me any questions about the program. Good luck.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Unit 5 (Energies): IT Classroom activities

Hi there! Before doing the exam (tomorrow) here you have an opportunity to check your knowledge on Energies by completing the classroom activities in Moodle. Hurry up.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Unit 5 (Energies): Classroom activities (solved)

Hi! The solutions to the classroom activities are here. The exam will include identifying forms of energy, transformation of energies (input and output energies), explanation on how power plants work, and technical vocabulary.Good luck!

Monday, 24 March 2014

Unit 5 (Energies): IT Room activities

Hi everybody (... is anybody there?) Click here to have a look at the IT Room activities I prepared for you. They are the English version (more or less) of the activities we are working on in the IT Room. Remember to log onto Moodle website to get extra marks for this unit. The animation below gives an overview on the topic of energies. See you in class.

Friday, 28 February 2014

Unit 4 (Mechanisms): Classroom activities (solved)

Hi! Almost without time to breathe here I am posting the solutions to the Classroom activities. Don't waste your time and check whether you have the right answers. See you soon.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Unit 4 (Mechanisms): Classroom activities

Hi! Next week we will be doing the exam corresponding to Mechanisms (Unit 4). In order to prepare this exam, I have just posted the classroom activities on the website of our school and here for you to have a look at them. We have already spent two sessions to complete them in the classroom and now you all have the opportunity to do them again. Don't forget to log onto Moodle website to get extra marks for this unit. See you next Monday in class.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Unit 4 (Mechanisms): IT Room activities

Hi! Next week we will devote two sessions to completing the classroom activities (in the workbook). Besides this, some of you will finish the IT room activities (click here to take a look at them) and, the rest of you the workshop activities. Log onto Moodle website to complete these activities and get extra marks. See you.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Unit 3 (Structures): Classroom activities (solved)

Hi! In the presentation below you have the solution to the classroom activities. It is important for those who are going to do the exam in English to pay close attention to the new vocabulary. Remember that in the exam there will be an extra exercise with synonyms of the most used words in the unit (withstand, strengthen, ...). Good luck.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Unit 3 (Structures): Identifying stresses

Hi! Here you have an animation to help you identify the basic stresses studied in class. In the exam you will have to identify the stresses along with the effects they can produce in a structure. Don't forget to review the vocabulary of the unit watching and listening to the animation in the previous post. See you..

Friday, 17 January 2014

Unit 3 (Structures): Technical English

Hi there! The animation below shows the most important words you need to know in order to complete the activities (IT Room activities and Classroom activities). There are more than 40 new words and most of them with their pronunciation. I hope you find this animation useful. Don't forget to put your headphones on. See you in class.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Unit 3 (Structures): Classroom activities

Hi! I have just posted the classroom activities here for you to have a look at them. We will spend two sessions completing them next week in the classroom. Don't forget to log onto Moodle website to complete the exercises if you want to get extra marks. See you all in class.

Monday, 6 January 2014

Unit 3 (Structures): Workbook activities

Hi everybody! In less than two days time we will be in class again. And probably on January 20 we will be devoting the lesson to doing the exercises in the Classroom Activities book (first out of two sessions). Click here to download the version in English and start practising the new vocabulary. In a few days I will post these activities in the Moodle website. See you soon.

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Unit 3 (Structures): IT Room activities

Hello and happy new year everybody. If you are willing to know more about structures  (the unit we are working on in class) click here to have a look at the IT Room activities. We will be starting these activities next 14th of January (the first session).There might be some new vocabulary you don't know (we will see it during the lessons) and some other revisited vocabulary related to construction materials.As you know, you can also do the activities through Moodle website but maybe it's better for you to wait until the classes start and get used to the new vocabulary. See you.